David Matsumoto, PhD
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last updated on February 02, 2008

Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI)


Notes concerning the Display Rule Assessment Inventory:


The original version (as used in Matsumoto et al., 1998 and 2005) is the file titled Original DRAI.  

The original version has since been revised to include more targets and context. The longer version of this revised DRAI (Revised DRAI) has 21 items and the shorter version (Abridged DRAI) has 6 items. The brief version was based on data from 30 countries using the longer version. For the latter two DRAI versions, we have counterbalanced the order of the questions in several different ways, so if you are interested in using either of these two versions, please let me know and I can send them to you. 


Original DRAI


Revised DRAI


Abridged DRAI




Matsumoto, D., Takeuchi, S., Andayani, S., Kouznetsova, N., & Krupp, D. (1998). The contribution of individualism-collectivism to cross-national differences in display rules. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1, 147-165.

Matsumoto, D., Yoo, S. H., Hirayama, S., & Petrova, G. (2005). Development and initial validation of a measure of display rules: The Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI). Emotion.




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last updated on February 02, 2008