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Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion and Neutral Faces 

Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion and Neutral Faces (� Matsumoto and Ekman, 1988) consist of two sets of photographs of facial expressions. The JACFEE shows 56 different people, half male and half female, half Caucasian and half Japanese. The photos are in color and illustrate each of seven different emotions. JACNEUF shows the same 56 individuals with neutral faces.

These sets are widely used by many laboratories worldwide conducting research on facial expressions of emotion. They are the only facial expression stimulus sets available in the world today showing expressors of two visibly different ethnic backgrounds whose expressions are equivalent in terms of their physical signaling properties. That is, all expressions of the same emotion show the exact same muscle innervations at exactly the same intensity levels, according to Facial Action Coding System (FACS) coding. This ensures that group differences in judgments across expressor ethnicity are not confounded by expression, a methodological necessity in research of this type.

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