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Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

Memorandum of Understanding Between

 _______________________________________  (herein referred to as Researcher)

and David Matsumoto (herein referred to as DM)

 1.         DM will provide Researcher with a copy of the Individualism-Collectivism Interpersonal Assessment Inventory (ICIAI), a test designed and developed by David Matsumoto, for use in Researcher�s study. 

 2.         Researcher will be free to make as many copies for his/her study as are necessary for its successful and timely completion. 

 3.         DM or his designee will provide Researcher with information concerning the administration, scoring, analysis, and interpretation of the ICAI data. 

 4.         In exchange for the privilege of using this copyrighted instrument, Researcher agrees to provide DM with the raw ICIAI data collected in his/her study, either on questionnaire format or as a punched computer data file per DM�s specifications. 

 5.         Researcher agrees to provide DM with the right to incorporate these data into his normative database, and to utilize these data as per normal research activities. 

 6.         In the case that the data, or summaries of it, are published, DM agrees to acknowledge the assistance of Researcher in the collection of these data.

 7.         Researcher agrees to cite the proper reference for this test, and reports of data derived from it, in all reports regarding these data, including theses, dissertation, and published and unpublished manuscripts, according to standard citation format.

 I agree to the above terms and conditions for the use of the ICIAI as set forth in this Memorandum of      Understanding.

  ______________________________            ______________________________            ______

     Researcher Name Printed                      Researcher Signature                             Date


Address:  _____________________________________________________________________


Phone:  (           ) ____________________________


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