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Scoring Key

General IC Indices

We have used the ICIAI to produce general indices of IC scores for each social group and rating domain by simply averaging across all 19 items within each social group and domain. Item 17 should be reverse coded prior to averaging. This procedure produces eight scores -- one for each social group (4) and rating domain (2).

Scale Scores 

In addition to general IC indices, four scale scores can be produced for each social group and rating domain. The scale names, items, and item numbers are given below in the following table:


Item Number


Social Harmony


Respect and honor their traditions and customs



Be loyal to them



Respect them



Compromise your wishes to act in unison with them



Maintain harmonious relationships with them



Nurture or help them



Maintain a stable environment (e.g., maintain the status quo) with them



Cooperate with them



Communicate verbally with them (reverse code first)

Social Identification


Be like or similar to them



Accept awards, beenfits, or recognition based only on age or position rather than merit from them



Save �face� for them



Follow norms established by them



Maintain self-control toward them



Exhibit �proper� manners and etiquette, regardless of how you really feel, toward them

Social Sharing of Recognition


Share credit for their accomplishments



Share blame for their failures



Sacrifice your goals for them



Sacrifice your possessions for them

To produce scores for each the scales, simply average the items associated with that scale, separately for each social group and rating domain. Again, Item 17 should be reverse coded prior to averaging. This procedure results in 32 scores per individual: four scale scores x 2 rating domains x 4 social groups.

Rationale for the Scoring Key

Data from several studies conducted by our laboratory using the ICIAI were aggregated into a single data set for analyses. The total n for these analyses was 1152, and consisted of 526 Americans, 161 Russians, 130 Japanese, 128 Koreans, and smaller numbers of individuals from a variety of countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin and South America. All were undergraduate university students. Average age of the entire sample was 21.96 years. All subjects completed the original version of the ICIAI, which had 25 items for each of the four social groups in both rating domains.

Eight principal components factor analyses were performed on the 25 items, separately for each social group and rating domain. We considered items to load reliably on factors if they met the following criteria: (1) the factor loading for that item was greater than or equal to 0.4; and (2) the item loaded consistently on at least six of the eight analyses. All items not meeting these two criteria were excluded from further consideration. Scale scores were then produced by averaging across all items for that scale. Item #17 loaded negatively on the first factor, and thus was reverse keyed prior to averaging. We then computed Cronbach�s alpha, standardized item alphas, and item-total correlations for each of the 32 scale scores (four scales x four social groups x 2 rating domains). We then applied a third criterion to the items to be considered loading on each scale, excluding items that had item-total correlations less than or equal to 0.30. Alphas and item-total correlations were recomputed for the final set of items.

The final alphas were well within the range of acceptability, ranging from a low of .4948 to a high of .9117; average alpha = .699, average standardized alpha = .703 (scales with fewer items had lower reliabilities). In general, the item-total correlations were also quite high. The items loading consistently across the factors are given in Table 1, along with their eigenvalues and percent of total variance accounted for. The results of the alpha computations and item-total correlations are provided in Table 2.

Table 1: Factor Loadings for Items Meeting Criteria

Factor 1: Social Harmony

Value Items                                 Family          Friends          Colleagues       Stranger
Honor Tradition                            .659                 .610                    .562              .424
Loyalty                                         .765                 .634                     ***                .435
Respect Elder                              .695                 .509                    .595               .518
Compromise                               .625                 .457                    .465               .501
Harmony                                     .821                 .749                    .739               .730
Nurturing                                      .772                 .695                    .652               .721
Status quo                                   .540                 .447                    .599               .627
Cooperation                               .729                 .619                    .682               .663  
Verbal Communication             -.745                -.659                   -.670              -.632
eigenvalue                                  9.59                 6.46                   7.05                7.30 

% of variance accounted for    38.4                  25.9                   28.2                29.2  

Behavior Items                           Family             Friends         Colleague       Strangers
Honor Tradition                            .697                 .561                 .548                 .537
Loyalty                                          .771                .716                 .597                 .498
Respect Elder                               .644                 .408                 .547                  ***
Compromise                                .508                 .420                 .465                  ***
Harmony                                       .796                .724                 .739                  ***    Nurturing                                       .744                 .731                 ***                   .719
Status quo                                    .587                 .534                 .635                 ***
Cooperation                                .726                 .650                 .738                .61
Verbal Communication  
           -.718                -.620                -.660               -.573
eigenvalue                                  10.14               7.19                 8.17                 7.87  

% of variance accounted for      40.6                 28.7                 32.7                 31.5 

Factor 2 : Social Identification

Value Items                                  Family             Friends         Colleague     Strangers Similarity                                         .562                 .659                 .653                .640
Position Awards                             .553                 .600                 .690                .548
Save Face                                      .606                 .451                 .556                .558
Follow Norms                                 .690                 .735                 .713                .670

eigenvalue                                    2.16                  2.47                 2.04                2.02

% of variance accounted for       8.7                     9.9                   8.2                  8.1 

Behavior Items                             Family            Friends          Colleague     Strangers
Similarity                                        .659                 .658                 .667                 .481
Position Awards                            .675                 .468                   ***                  .680
Save Face                                     .525                 .517                .504                 .595
Follow Norms                                .673                 .753                 .689                 .701

eigenvalue                                    1.76                 2.01                 2.00                 1.89 

% of variance accounted for       7.1                    8.0                   8.0                   7.6  

Factor 3 : Self-Control

Value Items                                 Family              Friends          Colleague    Strangers
Self-Control                                  .695                   .573                .515               .656
Correct Behavior                         .764                   .659                 ***                 .681  
eigenvalue                                  1.31                   1.49                1.63                1.61  

% of variance accounted for     5.2                     6.0                   6.5                  6.4  

Behavior Items                           Family            Friends            Colleague    Strangers
Self-Control                                    .693                .572                 ***                  .724
Correct Behavior                          .742                 .751                 ***                  .736

eigenvalue                                    1.47                1.58                1.41                 1.59 

% of variance accounted for       5.9                   6.3                   5.6                   6.4 

Factor 4 : Social Sharing of Recognition

Value Items                                 Family             Friends           Colleague    Strangers
Sharing Credit                                .622                 .513                 ***                  .729
Share Blame                                  .765                 .641                 ***                  .750
Sacrifice goal                                 .535                 .713                 .694                 ***

Sacrifice possessions                       ***                  .667                 .719               .554

eigenvalue                                    1.13                 1.31                 1.36                 1.32
% of variance accounted for        4.5                    5.2                   5.4                   5.3 

Behavior Items                           Family             Friends           Colleague    Strangers
Sharing Credit                               .587                 .564                 .703                 ***
Share Blame                                 .738                 .677                 .669                 ***
Sacrifice goal                                .630                 .688                 ***                  .446

Sacrifice possessions                    .627                  .693                 ***                  .440

eigenvalue                                   1.05                 1.42                 1.23                1.13 

% of variance accounted for      4.2                   5.7                   4.9                   4.5   

As seen in Table 1, only 19 of the original 25 items met inclusion criteria.  Examination of the items loading on each factor led us to label the factors thus: 

Social Harmony 
Social Identification 
Social Sharing of Recognition

Table 2: Alpha Coefficients and Item-Total Correlations

Factor 1: Social Harmony

Value Items                                  Family            Friends         Colleague              Stranger
alpha                                           .9058               .8155               .8315               .8432  
standardized item alpha            .9093               .8272               .8352               .8438  
Honor Traditions                          .6629               .5551               .5061               .4867  
Loyalty                                        .7093               .5045               .5458               .5119   
Respect Elder                              .7033               .4442               .4780               .4883   
Compromise                               .6547               .4936               .4522               .5308  
Harmony                                     .7949               .6627               .6708               .6674   
Nurturing                                      .7155               .5678               .5596               .5863  
Status quo                                   .5537               .4242               .5363               .5715  
Cooperation                               .7426               .5777               .5881               .6266   
Verbal Communication              .6497               .5104               .5408               .5489  

Behavior Items                             Family             Friends        Colleague              Stranger
alpha                                            .9104               .8358               .8606               .8485  
standardized item alpha             .9117               .8458               .8631               .8493  
Honor Traditions                           .7067               .5577               .5659               .5324        
Loyalty                                          .7339               .5770               .5847               .5113     
Respect Elder                               .6818               .4570               .5374               .5154   
Compromise                                .6305               .5266               .5430               .5438  
Harmony                                      .7823               .6732               .6728               .6454   
Nurturing                                       .7252                .6189              .6038               .5900  
Status quo                                    .6224                .5189              .6024               .5848   
Cooperation                                .7312               .6001               .6483               .6409   

Verbal Communication               .6312               .4859               .5554              .5367    

Factor 2: Social Identification

Value Items                                  Family            Friends         Colleague              Stranger
alpha                                           .7211                .6576               .6871              .6653  
standardized item alpha           .7236                .6572               .6874              .6676  
Similarity                                      .5820                .4690               .4646              .4133     
Position Awards                          .4852                .4551               .4371              .3876     
Save Face                                   .3899                .3112               .4198              .4657   
Follow norms                              .6053                .5337                .5631             .5398
alpha                                           .7211                .6576               .6871              .6653  
standardized item alpha           .7236                .6572               .6874              .6676  
Similarity                                      .5820                .4690               .4646              .4133     
Position Awards                          .4852                .4551               .4371              .3876     
Save Face                                   .3899                .3112               .4198              .4657   
Follow norms                              .6053                .5337                .5631             .5398

Behavior Items                           Family             Friends          Colleague                Stranger
alpha                                           .7259               .6399               .6696                .6609  
standardized item alpha           .7294               .6479               .6721                .6608  
Similarity                                      .5645               .4335               .4751                .4035  
Position Awards                          .5071               .3967               .3653                .3710     
Save Face                                   .4058               .3320               .4223                .4633   

Follow norms                               .6080               .5462              .5511                .5397       

Factor3: Self-Control

Value Items                                  Family            Friends         Colleague              Stranger
alpha                                          .6524               .5107                .4948              .5314
standardized item alpha           .6538               .5169                .4969              .5314 
Self-control                                  .4857               .3485                .3306              .3619  
Correct behavior                       .4857                .3485                .3306              .3619    

Behavior Items                          Family             Friends          Colleague          Stranger
alpha                                         .6625       .5343                .5414                .6192
standardized item alpha          .6626               .5356                .5433      .6192
Self-control                                 .4954               .3657                .3729               .4485     
Correct behavior                       .4954               .3657                .3729               .4485

Factor 4: Social Sharing of Recognition

Value Items                                 Family            Friends          Colleague        Stranger
alpha                                          .7125               .6523                .6398              .6704
standardized item alpha          .7212               .6533                .6437               .6853 
Share Credit                              .4932               .3946                 .3721               .5091
Share Blame                              .4113               .3824                 .4308              .5006   
Sacrifice Goal                            .5626               .4979                 .4713              .4326   
Sacrifice Possession                   .5584               .4605      .4119              .4214    

Behavior Items                          Family              Friends          Colleague         Stranger
alpha                                            .7630              .7071                .7073               .6912
Standardized item alpha            .7648              .7092                .7102               .7081 
Share Credit                                 .5390              .4361                .4162               .4814 
Share Blame                                 .4749              .4722                .5222               .5401  
Sacrifice Goal                               .6299              .5504                .5733               .5089

Sacrifice Possession                     
.6124               .5239               .4714               .4266 

In total, these results provide considerable support for the internal reliability of the ICIAI scale scoring procedures outlined in this document.


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