Steve Hata |
Daihegien Judo Yudanshakai |
Sanction # Daiheigen/EBJI
Jr/Sr Winter Camp Daiheigen Judo Yudanshakai and East Bay Judo Institute is hosting a Jr/Sr Development Camp Date
and Location:
2-4, 2003
East Bay Judo Institute
11165 San Pablo Ave
El Cerrito, CA
94530 (510)237-0607 Daiheigen
Judo Yudanshakai and East Bay Judo Institute is hosting a Jr/Sr
development camp on January 2-4, 2003.
Registration will be from 8:30-9am each work out day for
beginning- intermediate player and from 2:30-3 pm for advanced players
sankyu and up. For
2-3 January, the workout sessions will be from 9-11am and 12-2pm for
beg/inter and 3-5pm and 6:30 � 8:30 pm for advanced. For
4 January the workout sessions will be 9-11 am for beg/inter and 12-3
for advanced. The
cost of this camp is $15.00 a day.
A valid USJF, USJI or USJA card must be presented at time of