++ Viewpoint: Debunking Japanese Stereotypes David Matsumoto of San Francisco State University has an interesting new book for sale that basically says we are all wrong when it comes to analyzing the Japanese. In his book, "The New Japan: Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes," put out by Intercultural Press earlier this year, the psychology professor argues that the typical take on Japanese culture -- collectivist, conscious of the needs of others, dedicated to their jobs, et cetera -- is simply not supported by most data. Take
the assumption that Japanese are more group-oriented than Americans. In study after study that
Matsumoto cites, it is the Americans who value collectivism more. "If you look at the data,
there Matsumoto
argues persuasively that sometimes the best judge of Japanese culture is the Japanese
layperson. And these people say in surveys that today's Japanese lack perseverance, tolerance, manners Matsumoto argues that today's youth are not sure what they want out of life, but they're dead sure about what they don't want: They have no interest in emulating their fathers and mothers. Matsumoto,
who has done a teaching stint at the University of Tokyo,
says modern Japanese are adrift. "They are butting against a
system in
business and in life that's not set up to deal with an increasing His arguments make a lot of sense. And they're backed up by a lot of data. While the picture he paints is a little more pessimistic than this writer's take on Japan, it's food for thought for anyone doing business long-term in the country. -- Bruce Rutledge
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