Multinational Study on

Cultural Display Rules of Emotional Expressions


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This page last updated on September 04, 2005


Conference Presentations


6th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Wellington, New Zealand (2 April 2005)


  1. Matsumoto, D., & Yoo, S.H. (2005). Worldwide survey of cultural display rules.

  2. Yoo, S.H., & Matsumoto, D. (2005). Validation of scoring procedure for the Display Rule Assessment Inventory.

  3. Kashima, E., Matsumoto, D., & Yoo, S.H. (2005). The display of happiness vs. disgust: A comparison of emotion display rules between Australia and the U.S.A.

  4. Purwono, U., Djunaidi, A., & Setiono, K. (2005). Comparison of emotional expression in interpersonal interaction within the context of Indonesian culture.


9th European Congress of Psychology in Granada, Spain (7 July, 2005)


  1. Yoo, S.H., & Matsumoto, D. (2005) Worldwide survey of Cultural Display Rules.

  2. Comunian, A.L. (2005). Psychometric properties the Matsumoto’s Display Rule Assessment Inventory (DRAI): A Study in Italian Culture.

  3. Safdar, S.F., & Gough, L.C. (2005). Cultural Display Rules of Emotional Expression among Canadians.

  4. Vishnivetz, B., & Svendsen, H. (2005). Rules of Emotional Display towards authority figures: Culture and Denmark.


7th European Regional Congress of IACCP (International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology) in San Sebastian, Spain (13 July, 2005)


  1. Yoo, S.H. & Matsumoto, D. (2005). Worldwide survey of cultural display rules of emotional expression.
  2. Fok, H. K. & Bond, M.H. (2005). General expressivity and personality: Introducing a new scoring method and exploring the moderation of social situations (Hong Kong).

  3. Palaniappan, A.K., Odusanya, J.O.T., Haron, F., Chin, W.H., & Mihajlot, G. (2005). Furthering the search for integration: Correlates of emotional display rules in Malaysia.

  4. Papastylianou, D. (2005). Cultural display rules of emotional expressions in Greek students.

  5. Sunar, D., Boratav, H.B., & Ataca, B. (2005). Gender differences in emotional display rules among Turkish students.

  6. Szarota, P., Bedynska, S., Sterkowicz, S., Matsumoto, D., & Yoo, S.H. (2005). The smile as a masking and a qualifying display strategy: A Polish-American comparison.


113th Annual American Psychological Association Convention in Washington, D.C. (21 August, 2005)


  1. Yoo, S.H., Altarriba, J., Bauer, L., De Gere, D., Friedlmeier, W., Kakai, H., Olide, A., Singelis, T., Shigemasu, E., & Matsumoto, D. (2005). Testing Ekman and Friesen 33 years later: The display rules of American and Japanese students.

  2. Anguas-Wong, A.M, Matsumoto, D., & Yoo, S.H. (2005). The role of context in Mexican Emotional Regulation via DRAI.

  3. Comunian, A.L. (2005). Display rules in Germany, Japan, Italy and Hong Kong: Gender study.

  4. Haron, F., Odusanya, J.O.T., Palaniappan, A.K., Chin, W.H., & Mihajlot, G. (2005). Context and age correlates of emotional display rules in Malaysia.


  1. Sunar, D., Boratav, H.B., & Ataca, B. (2005). Emotional display rules among Turkish Students: Status and context effects.



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